Chang Lab Publications

Tan C, Lanz MC, Swaffer M, Skotheim J, Chang F. Intracellular diffusion in the cytoplasm increases with cell size in fission yeast. Mol Biol Cell. 2025 in press

Lemière J, Chang F. Quantifying turgor pressure in budding and fission yeasts based upon osmotic properties. Mol Biol Cell. 2023 Dec 1;34(13):ar133.doi: 10.1091/mbc.E23-06-0215.

Garner RM, Molines AT, Theriot JA, Chang F. Vast heterogeneity in cytoplasmic diffusion rates revealed by nanorheology and Doppelgänger simulations. Biophys J. 2023;122(5):767-783. doi:10.1016/j.bpj.2023.01.040

Lemière J, Real-Calderon P, Holt LJ, Fai TG, Chang F. Control of nuclear size by osmotic forces in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Elife. 2022;11:e76075. doi:10.7554/eLife.76075

Molines AT, Lemière J, Edrington CH, Hsu CT, Steinmark IE, Suhling K, Goshima G, Holt LJ, Brouhard GJ, Chang F. Physical properties of the cytoplasm modulate the rates of microtubule growth and shrinkage. Dev Cell 2022 57(4), 466-479.E, DOI:

Odermatt P, Miettinen TP, Lemière J, Kang JH, Bostan E, Manalis S, Huang KC, Chang F. Variations of intracellular density during the cell cycle arise from tip-growth regulation in fission yeast. eLife 2021;10:e64901 DOI: 10.7554/eLife.64901

Shi H, Westfall CS, Kao J, Odermatt PD, Anderson SE, Cesar S, Sievert M, Moore J, Gonzalez CG, Zhang L, Elias JE, Chang F, Huang KC, Levin PA. Starvation induces shrinkage of the bacterial cytoplasm. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2021 Jun 15;118(24):e2104686118. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2104686118.

Shi H, Hu Y, Odermatt PD, Gonzalez CG, Zhang L, Elias JE, Chang F, Huang KC. Precise regulation of the relative rates of surface area and volume synthesis in bacterial cells growing in dynamic environments. Nat Commun. 2021 Mar 30;12(1):1975. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-22092-5.

Mabuchi I, Giansanti MG, Chang F. Editorial: Mechanisms of Cytokinesis in Eukaryotes. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2021 Mar 19;9:668705. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2021.668705.

Knapp B., Odermatt P., Rojas E.R., Cheng W., He X., Huang K.C. and Chang F.
Decoupling of rates of protein synthesis from cell expansion leads to supergrowth. Cell Systems 2019

Zhurinsky J, Salas-Pino S, Iglesias-Romero AB, Torres-Mendez A, Knapp B, Flor-Parra I, Wang J, Bao K, Jia S, Chang F, Daga RR.  2019.  Effects of the microtubule nucleator Mto1 on chromosome movement, DNA repair and sister chromatid cohesion in fission yeast. Mol Biol Cell 2019. mbcE19050301. doi: 10.1091/mbc.E19-05-0301.

Facchetti G., Knapp B., Flor-Parra I., Chang F. and Howard M. 
Reprogramming Cdr2-dependent geometry-based cell size control in fission yeast. 
Curr Biol 2019.  doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2018.12.017

Facchetti G, Knapp B, Chang F, Howard M. Reassessment of the basis of cell size control based on analysis of cell-to-cell variability. Biophysical J. 2019.  doi:

Nithiananatham S., Cook B., Chang F. and Al-Bassam J. 
Structural basis of tubulin recruitment and assembly by tumor overexpressed gene (TOG) domain array microtubule polymerases
Elife. 2018. 7:e38922 doi: 10.7554/eLife.38922

Cook B., Chang F., Flor-Para I. and Al-Bassam J.
Roles for tubulin recruitment and self-organization by TOG domain arrays in microtubules plus-end tracking and polymerase.
Mol Biol Cell. 2019. 10:mbcE19020093. doi: 10.1091/mbc.E19-02-0093

Rojas R.E., Billings G., Odermatt P., Auer G., Zhu L., Miguel A., Chang F., Weibel D.B., Theriot J.A. and Huang K.C.
The outer membrane is an essential load-bearing element in Gram-negative bacteria.
Nature. 2018. 559:617–621. doi: 10.1038/s41586-018-0344-3.

Flor-Parra I., Iglesias-Romero A.B. and F. Chang. 
The XMAP215 ortholog Alp14 is required for efficient microtubule nucleation in fission yeast.
Curr Biol 2018. 28(11):1681-1691

Chang, F. 
Forces that shape fission yeast cells. 
Mol. Biol. Cell 2017. 28:1819-1824.

Facchetti G., Chang F. and Howard M.  
Controlling cell size through sizer mechanisms. 
Curr. Op Systems Biol. 2017. 5: 86-92. 

Atilgan E., Magidson V., Khodjakov A. and Chang F.
Morphogenesis of the fission yeast cell through cell wall expansion.
Curr Biol. 2015. 25: 2150-7.PubMed 
Supplementary Data and Movies

Zhou, Z., E. L Munteanu, J. He, T. Ursell, M. Bathe, K.C. Huang, F. Chang.
The contractile ring coordinates curvature dependent septum assembly during fission yeast cytokinesis
Mol Biol Cell. 2015. 26: 78-90. PubMed
Supplementary Data and Movies

Haupt A., Campetelli A., Bonazzi D., Piel M., Chang F. and Minc N.
Electrochemical regulation of budding yeast polarity.
PLoS Biology. 2014. 12: e1002029. PubMed
Supplementary Data and Movies

Chang F. and Minc N.
Electrochemical control of cell and tissue polarity.
Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol. 2014. DOI: 10.1146/annurev-cellbio-100913-013357. PubMed
Supplementary Data and Movies

Basu R., Munteanu E.L. and Chang F.
Role of turgor pressure in endocytosis in fission yeast.
Mol Biol Cell. 2014. 25: 679-687. PMCID: PMC3937093 PubMed
Supplementary Data and Movies

Pan K., Saunders T.E., Flor-Parra I., Howard M. and Chang F.
Cortical regulation of cell size by a sizer Cdr2.
ELife. 2014. 24642412. PMCID: PMC3956294 PubMed
Supplementary Data and Movies

Al-Bassam J., Kim H., Flor-Parra I., Lal N., Velji H. and Chang F.
Fission yeast Alp14 is a dose-dependent plus end-tracking microtubule polymerase.
Mol Biol Cell. 2012. 23(15):2878-90 PubMed 
Supplementary Data and Movies

Atilgan E., Burgess D. and Chang F. 
Localization of cytokinesis factors to the future cell division site by microtubule-dependent transport.
Cytoskeleton. 2012. 69:973-82 PubMed 
Supplementary Data and Movies

Hou H., Zhou Z., Wang Y., Wang J., Kallgren S.P., Kurchuk T., Miller E.A., Chang F. and Jia S. 
Csi1 links centromeres to nuclear envelope for centromere clustering. 
J Cell Biol 2012 199:735-44. PubMed 
Supplementary Data and Movies

Presti L.L., Chang F. and Martin S.G. 
Myosin Vs organize actin cables in fission yeast. 
Mol Biol Cell. 2012 23:4579-91. PubMed 
Supplementary Data and Movies

Proctor S.A., Minc N., Boudaoud A. and Chang F.
Contributions of turgor pressure, the contractile ring, and septum assembly to forces in cytokinesis in fission yeast. 
Curr Biol. 2012 Sep 11;22(17):1601-8. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2012.06.042. PubMed

Saunders T.E., Pan K.Z., Angel A., Guan Y., Shah J.V., Howard M. and Chang F. 
Noise reduction in the intracellular pom1p gradient by a dynamic clustering mechanism. 
Dev Cell. 2012 Mar 13;22(3):558-72. Epub 2012 Feb 16. PubMed 
Supplementary Data and Movies

Basu R. and Chang F. 
Characterization of dip1p reveals a switch in Arp2/3-dependent actin assembly for fission yeast endocytosis. 
Curr Biol. 2011 Jun 7;21(11):905-16. PubMed 
Supplementary Data and Movies

Minc N., Burgess D. and Chang F. 
Influence of cell geometry on division-plane positioning. 
Cell 2011 Feb 4;144(3):414-26. PubMed 
Supplementary Data and Movies

Al-Bassamv J.,Kim H.,Brouhard G., Oijen A., Harrison S.C. and Chang F. 
CLASP promotes microtubule rescue by recruiting tubulin dimers to the microtubule. 
Dev Cell 2010 Aug 17. PubMed 
Supplementary Data and Movies

Minc N. and Chang F. 
Electrical Control of Cell Polarization in the Fission Yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe
Curr Biol. 2010 Apr 27;20(8):710-6. PubMed 

Yonetani A. and Chang F. 
Regulation of cytokinesis by the formin cdc12p. 
Curr Biol 2010 Mar 23;20(6):561-6. PubMed 

2000 - 2009

Minc N., Boudaoud A. and Chang F. 
Mechanical Forces of Fission Yeast Growth. 
Curr Biol. 2009 Jul 14;19(13):1096-101. PubMed 
Supplementary Data and Movies

Minc N., Bratman S.V., Basu R. and Chang F. 
Establishing new sites of polarization by microtubules. 
Curr Biol. 2009 Jan 27;19(2):83-94. PubMed 
Supplementary Data and Movies

Yonetani A., Lustig R.J., Moseley J.B., Takeda T., Goode B.L. and Chang F. 
Regulation and Targeting of the Fission Yeast Formin cdc12p in Cytokinesis. 
Mol Biol Cell. 2008 May;19(5):2208-19. PubMed
Supplementary Data and Movies

Bratman S.V. and Chang F. 
Stabilization of overlapping microtubules by fission yeast CLASP. 
Dev Cell. 2007 Dec;13(6):812-27. PubMed
Supplementary Data and Movies

Martin S.G., Rincon S.A., Basu R., Perez P. and. Chang F. 
Regulation of the formin for3p by cdc42p and bud6p. 
Mol Biol Cell. 2007 Oct;18(10):4155-67. PubMed
Supplementary Data and Movies

Padte N.N., Martin S.G., Howard M. and Chang F. 
The cell-end factor pom1p inhibits mid1p in specification of the cell division plane in fission yeast. 
Curr Biol. 2006 Dec 19;16(24):2480-7. PubMed 
Supplementary Data

Daga R.R., Lee K.G., Bratman S., Salas-Pino S. and Chang F. 
Self-organization of microtubule bundles in anucleate fission yeast cells. 
Nat Cell Biol. 2006 Oct;8(10):1108-13. PubMed 
Supplementary Data and Movies

Magidson V., Chang F. and Khodjakov A. 
Regulation of cytokinesis by spindle-pole bodies. 
Nat Cell Biol. 2006 Aug;8(8):891-3. PubMed 
Supplementary Data and Movie

Daga R.R., Yonetani A. and Chang F. 
Asymmetric microtubule pushing forces in nuclear centering. 
Curr Biol. 2006 Aug 8;16(15):1544-50. PubMed 
Supplementary Data and Movies

Martin S.G. and Chang F. 
Dynamics of the formin for3p in actin cable assembly. 
Curr Biol. 2006 Jun 20;16(12):1161-70. PubMed 
Supplementary Data and Movies

Takeda T. and Chang F. 
Role of fission yeast myosin I in organization of sterol-rich membrane domains. 
Curr Biol. 2005 Jul 26;15(14):1331-6. PubMed 
Supplementary Data and Movies

Daga R.R. and Chang F. 
Dynamic positioning of the fission yeast cell division plane. 
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2005 Jun 7;102(23):8228-32. PubMed 
Supplementary Data and Movies

Martin S.G., McDonald W.H., Yates JR 3rd and Chang F. 
Tea4p links microtubule plus ends with the formin for3p in the establishment of cell polarity. 
Dev Cell. 2005 Apr;8(4):479-91. PubMed 
Supplementary Data and Movies

Zimmerman S. and Chang F. 
Effects of gamma-tubulin complex proteins on microtubule nucleation and catastrophe in fission yeast. 
Mol Biol Cell. 2005 Jun;16(6):2719-33. PubMed 
Supplementary Data and Movies

Zimmerman S., Daga R.R. and Chang F. 
Intra-nuclear microtubules and a mitotic spindle orientation checkpoint. 
Nat Cell Biol. 2004 Dec;6(12):1245-6. PubMed 
Supplementary Data and Movies

Takeda T., Kawate T. and Chang F. 
Organization of a sterol-rich membrane domain by cdc15p during cytokinesis in fission yeast. 
Nat Cell Biol. 2004 Nov;6(11):1142-4. Epub 2004 Nov 01. PubMed
Supplementary Data and Movies

Khodjakov A., La Terra S. and Chang F. 
Laser microsurgery in fission yeast; role of the mitotic spindle midzone in anaphase B. 
Curr Biol. 2004 Aug 10;14(15):1330-40. PubMed
Supplementary Movies

Feierbach B., Verde F. and Chang F. 
Regulation of a formin complex by the microtubule plus end protein tea1p. 
J Cell Biol. 2004 Jun 7;165(5):697-707. PubMed
Supplementary Data and Movies

Zimmerman S., Tran P.T., Daga R.R., Niwa O. and Chang F. 
Rsp1p, a J domain protein required for disassembly and assembly of microtubule organizing centers during the fission yeast cell cycle. 
Dev Cell. 2004 Apr;6(4):497-509. PubMed
Supplementary Data and Movies

Chang F., Re F., Sebastian S., Sazer S. and Luban J. 
HIV-1 Vpr induces defects in mitosis, cytokinesis, nuclear structure, and centrosomes. 
Mol Biol Cell. 2004 Apr;15(4):1793-801. Epub 2004 Feb 06. PubMed

Berlin A., Paoletti A. and Chang F. 
Mid2p stabilizes septin rings during cytokinesis in fission yeast. 
J Cell Biol. 2003 Mar 31;160(7):1083-92 PubMed

Pelham R.J. and Chang F. 
Actin dynamics in the contractile ring during cytokinesis in fission yeast. 
Nature. 2002 Sep 5;419(6902):82-6. PubMed
Supplementary Data and Movies

Feierbach B. and Chang F.
Roles of the fission yeast formin for3p in cell polarity, actin cable formation and symmetric cell division. 
CurrBiol. 2001 Oct 30;11(21):1656-65. PubMed
Supplementary Data and Movies

Glynn J.M., Lustig R.J., Berlin A. and Chang F.
Role of bud6p and tea1p in the interaction between actin and microtubules for the establishment of cell polarity in fission yeast. 
Curr Biol. 2001 Jun 5;11(11):836-45. pubmed
Supplementary Data and Movies

Tran P.T., Marsh L., Doye V., Inoue S. and Chang F.
A mechanism for nuclear positioning in fission yeast based on microtubule pushing. 
J Cell Biol. 2001 Apr 16;153(2):397-411. PubMed 
Supplementary Data and Movies

Pelham R.J. Jr., Chang F..
Role of actin polymerization and actin cables in actin-patch movement in Schizosaccharomyces pombe.
Nature Cell Biol. 2001 Mar;3(3):235-44. PubMed 
Supplementary Data and Movies

Tran P.T., Doye V., Chang F. and Inoue S.
Microtubule-dependent nuclear positioning and nuclear-dependent septum positioning in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces [correction of Saccharomyces]pombe.
Biol Bull. 2000 Oct;199(2):205-6. PubMed

Paoletti A. and Chang F.
Analysis of mid1p, a protein required for placement of the cell division site, reveals a link between the nucleus and the cell surface in fission yeast.
Mol Biol Cell. 2000 Aug;11(8):2757-73. PubMed

1996 - 1999

Tran P.T., Maddox P., Chang F. and Inoue S.
Dynamic confocal imaging of interphase and mitotic microtubules in the fission yeast, S. pombe.
Biol Bull. 1999 Oct;197(2):262-3.

Chang F.
Movement of a cytokinesis factor cdc12p to the site of cell division.
Curr Biol. 1999 Jul 29-Aug 12;9(15):849-52. PubMed

Chang F., Drubin D. and Nurse P.
cdc12p, a protein required for cytokinesis in fission yeast, is a component of the cell division ring and interacts with profilin.
J Cell Biol. 1997 Apr 7;137(1):169-82. PubMed

Chang F., Woollard A. and Nurse P.
Isolation and characterization of fission yeast mutants defective in the assembly and placement of the contractile actin ring.
J Cell Sci. 1996 Jan;109 ( Pt 1):131-42. PubMed